Pain - Neuropathy
Neuropathy is a medical condition caused by damaged nerve cells and often associated with autoimmune diseases, infections, diabetes, tumors, or hereditary conditions. Peripheral neuropathy currently affects over 20 million people in the United States with symptoms ranging from tingling or burning pain and nausea to muscle spasms, difficulty moving your arms or legs, or atrophy.
While neuropathy can be severe, the most common forms of neuropathy include diabetic neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sciatica which are actually quite prevalent in adult populations. The symptoms of neuropathy greatly depend on the type of nerves that are damaged, ranging from autonomic nerves, motor nerves, and sensory nerves.
Wound Care
Skin is the biggest organ of the body, and also the most exposed — responsible for protecting the rest of what lies underneath. Open wounds and sores can lead to much bigger problems than localized pain or irritation.
They can become doors to the rest of the body, allowing bacteria, viruses, and other unwanted intruders to enter the bloodstream where they wreak havoc.
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